TN352 : Application of computational fluid dynamics in modeling of the fate and transport of mextallic pollutants associated with acid mine drainage
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2010
Abstarct: Acid mine drainage (AMD) can be considered as the worst environmental problem related to the mining industry. Sarcheshmeh is considered to be a major porphyry copper mine in Iran resulted many environmental problems. Numerical methods are routinely used as an appropriate tool to solve such problems. Finite volume is a proper numerical method for the simulation of heat and mass transport problems. This study aims to model transport of mextallic pollutants in Shour River from Sarcheshmeh porphyry copper mine. PHOENICS software was used for this purpose. In this way, calibration process of finite volume model was performed by considering two separate problems. The first problem deals with the modeling of mextal transport in a hypothetical river and the second one considers modeling of the biosorption of copper and manganese from acid mine drainage in a continuous reactor. After calibration, transportation of mextallic pollutants associated with acid mine drainage in Shour river was modeled taking the mass transport mechanisms into account. The results show that the adsorption is the main mechanism for mextal removal from river water. Moreover, this process follows the Langmuir non-linear isotherm. A better agreement was achieved between the field data and model predictions when ferrous iron oxidation and hydrolysis of ferric iron processes were considered. The results obtained from this study can be used for developing an environmental management program in order to monitor surface water pollution problems and to have a better understanding of the pollution transport mechanisms
#Acid mine drainage #numerical modeling #finite volume #adsorption #pollutant transport #Sarcheshmeh copper mine Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University