TN219 : The Study of Electrochemical Behavior of Chalcopyrite in Songon Copper Mine Flotation
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2011
Abstarct: Flotation is the most popular method for processing copper sulfide minerals.Each of the minerals in flotation process has special electrochemical behavior. Combination of different minerals and the amount of these minerals in the combination, also the chemicals used in the process such as collectors causes special electrochemical characteristics for different geological region, so it is impossible to generalize the electrochemical characteristics of one region to the other regions. In this research the electrochemical behavior of the chalcopyrite in the Songun Processing plant has been studied. In this plant different collectors are used for frothing the copper minerals.In this paper the collector adsorption on cupper sulfides surface with Cytec A343 (Sodium Xantate) and AP407 (Dithiophosphate and mercaptobenzothiazole salts) which is added in order or simultaneously in different ratios is investigated. The results has been drown that the collectors are adsorbed more strongly in the ratio of 50:50 (A343:AP407) when they are added simultaneously. In this condition the recovery is 73.37%. An electrode surface of natural chalcopyrite has been studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The conclusion has been drown that the collectors are adsorbed more strongly in the ratio of 75:25 (A343:AP407) when they are added simultaneously. In the case that the collectors are added in the ratio of 50:50, when AP407 was added initially the maximum adsorption was observed.
It is obvious that the optimum result gained from the flotation tests is not similar as the results of electrochemical tests on chalcopyrite. This is attributed to galvanic interaction between minerals. Copper ore is consisting of many minerals such as chalcocite and pyrite in addition to chalcopyrite. In Songon copper ore the ratio of chalcocite to chalcopyrite is more than one.
#Flotation #Collector #Electrochemistry #Copper Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University