TN201 : Construction consideration and Stability Analysis of CNG Storage in limestone Cavern using solution mining
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2012
Abstarct: Large underground spaces (Caverns) could be used as hydropower powerhouses, fluid storage, nuclear wastes storage, swere systems and other applications. Salt or rock caverns, depleted gas/oil reservoirs and abandoned mines are types of gas storage facilities in use today. Since salt formations are nearly non-existent in near of major markets and due to high convergence of salt caverns, high cost of drilling and supporting of rock caverns, high cost of convert of depleted reservoirs and abandoned mines to natural gas storage facility and high cushion gas of abandoned mines and depleted reservoirs, alternatives to conventional methods of gas storage are required. So, New method has been conducted into the development of caverns within limestone formations by dissolution using hydrochloric acid. Compared with other techniques, the storage of natural gas in solution-mined, carbonate caverns has several potential advantages. Suitable carbonate regions for natural gas storage have been identified in much of the world and near the markets. Carbonate formations are also suitable for development of storage capacity to desired volume in near of powerhouses. Caverns that created in carbonate formations are nearly stable. In this research, regions of Iran are specified that have potential for creation of cavern in carbonate formations. In this research, there is also an investigation for technical- economical problems, environmental effects and operational problems. Regions of Tehran, Qom, Qazvin and semnan province were selected baxsed on existence of carbonate formations in deph of over 1000 meters, their location near pipelines and little tectonic activity. In this research, stability analysis of four caverns, right cylinder with dome with a radius of 18 meters, right cylinder with a radius of 18 meters, , right cylinder with a radius of 20 meters and a horizontal cylinder with dome with a radius of 18 meters have been conducted. All four caverns are in limestone formations at deph of 1300 meters than ground surface. In this research, The maximum and minimum of internal cavern pressure have been specified. Yang modulus and ratio of horizontal stress to vertical stress are recognized as the most effective parameters in parameter analysis. Deph and Dimensions of cavern are the most effective parameters in sensitive analysis.
#Gas storage #carbonate formations #environmental problems #geometry design #3D modelling Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University