TN152 : Investigation of retreatment possibility of Zirab coal washing factory Jig tailings
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2011
Abstarct: From starting Alborz Markazi coal washing plant to work, more than 1.5 million tons of waste in land has been allocated in the waste damp. About 70 percent of the Alborz Markazi coal washing plant wastes were related to jig tailings which contain high percentage of coal. On the other hand, the presence of these wastes cause environmental problem. Therefore this research was conducted to assess processing coal tailings of Alborz Markazi coal washing plant. Investigations were carried out on coal tailings by conventional and column flotation techniques. The effects of reagent type/dosage were investigated with conventional flotation and their results were used in the performance of column flotation. Thus the effects of air rate, feeding rate, wash water rate, frother and collector dosage were evaluated with column flotation. baxsed on the conventional flotation results kerosene had better efficiency in the process. Therefore kerosene was select as collector. The best results were obtained in the case of using a 3000 g/t kerosene as a collector and 300 g/t MIBC as frother. As low rank coals or oxidized coals are generally more hydrophilic, it was deducted by conventional flotation that due to low rank of particles even at higher dosage of collector (3000g/t) and frother (300g/t) may need more reagents for better efficiency. Thus, the effects of higher values of reagent were investigated in the performance of column flotation. The coal tailings had 56 percent ash averagly. Experimental design as a statistical method was used to optimizing grade and recovery of coal tailings. The column flotation results indicated concentrate produced under optimum conditions, kerosene, 2909 g/t; superficial air velocity, 0.96 cm/s; feeding rate, 3.6 lit/min; superficial wash water velocity, 0.98 lit/min; frother dosage, 350 g/t having an ash content of 12.1% and a combustible recovery of 28.5%. Analysing gas holdup in column flotation validated the performed experiments well. Accordingly, applying the column flotation method for cleaning the low rank tailings causes more profitable results, more efficiency and lower environmental pollution.
#Coal #Tailings #Column Flotation #Experimental Design #Gas holdup #Environmental Effects Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University