TN126 : Estimation of earth pressure by analytical and numerical methods in North-South Section of Tehran Metro Line 7
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2010
Abstarct: The stability of the face is one of the most important factors in selecting the adequate method of excavation of a tunnel. This is particularly true for mechanized tunneling and specific boring machines (TBM), as, for examples, the Earth Pressure Balanced Shield (EPBS) and the Slurry Shield, have been developed in the recent decades for managing the instability of the excavation profile in unfavorable geotechnical and hydro geological conditions, with challenge external constraints. The support pressure is controlled by varying the screw rotation speed, as a function of the TBM penetration rate. This pressure must avoid both the collapse (active failure) and the blow-out (passive failure) of soil mass near the tunnel face. The analytical (Limit equilibrium and limit analysis methods), experimental and numerical (finite element method) methods are frequently used for analysis the stability of tunnel face. In this research, the tunnel face stability of north-south section of Tehran Metro Seven Line is investigated by analytical-experimental and numerical methods. Then the pressure values obtained using numerical method are comparing with analytical-experimental methods and finally the proper method for estimation of earth pressure in Tehran Metro Seven Line According to geological and geotechnical conditions of the region is proposed.
#TBM #earth pressure balance machine #Slurry Shield #Screw collapse #active failure #blow out #passive failure #analytical–experimental methods #Limit equilibrium method #limit analysis method #Numerical Methods #finite element method #Tehran Metro Seven Line. Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University