TN1096 : Optimizing and improving the blasting pattern with the aim of reducing flyrock and proper granulation (case study: Tirka copper mine)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2022
Abstarct: The main goal of all miners in mining operations is to extract ore with the lowest amount of progress and cost. Drilling, mining, loading and hauling are the four main stages of mining. If each step is not done correctly, it will have a negative effect on the next steps. In open pit mining, the drilling and blasting stage is one of the most important and sensitive stages. Because the smallest mistake in these steps will lead to an increase in costs, loss of mineral matter, creation of large pieces of rock (boulder), creation of an inappropriate form in the field of mining works and etc. By optimizing and redesigning these steps, you can reduce the costs and achieve the optimal crushing. The purpose of this research is to improve the blasting pattern with the aim of reducing flyrock and providing proper granulation (optimal crushing) for Tirka copper mine. For this purpose, five explosions were carried out, and the value of F50 was 16, 11, 8, 11 and 13 cm respectively in each stage of First and before the explosion, the crushing was predicted with two formulas, Kuz-Ram and the modified Kuz-Ram and they were compared with the real results obtained after the explosion using Split Desktop software. Investigations showed that the results obtained from the modified Kuz-Ram are closer to the truth. In the case of flyrock, first, flyrock was calculated for two models of flyrock, cratering and face bursting. It was compared with the actual results that were measured by measuring from the work front to the flyrock place. The results of the investigations showed that with the model of face bursting, from the first to the fifth explosion, 10.6 meters, 16.75 meters, 17 meters, 9.4 meters, respectively, and in the fifth explosion, 6 meters holes, 6 meters, and 9 meters holes, 10.6 meters were obtained. In the model of Cratering from the first to the fifth explosion, 184.2 meters, 101.5 meters, 184.2 meters, 101.5 meters respectively, and in the fifth explosion, 6 meters holes, 101.5 meters and 9 meters holes, 184.5 meters were obtained. In reality, the values measured from the first to the fifth explosion were 10 meters, 15 meters, 8.5 meters, 12 meters and 7.5 meters respectively. If the flyrock is face bursting, the result is closer to the truth.
#Keywords: Blasting #blasting pattern #flyrock #fragmentation prediction #blastability index Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University