TN1095 : Technical and economic study of using crusher system and conveyor belt plan, case study: Gol-E-Gohar Iron ore Mine (No. 3)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2022
Abstarct: Industry has already accepted the fact that in the future, a vast majority of minerals in the world will have to be extracted from low-grade, extremely large, high tonnage, and super-mechanized mines. There are not many iron open-pits with ore near the surface, so in most cases a large number of benches are required to enable mining at depth. A large number of benches and ramps lead to longer material haulage distances and thus the need for more trucks. Using the IPCC (In-Pit Crushing and Conveying) system not only reduces the number of the required trucks, but also dismisses the necessity of long hauling ramps toward the pit footprint. In this study, according to the characteristics of Goharzamin mine, the semi-mobile in-pit crushing and conveying (SMIPCC) has been designed for use in this open pit mine compared to the shovel-truck system. This system includes main components such as a small fleet of shovel-trucks, a stone-crushing set in the pit, a conveyor belt in the pit, a surface conveyor belt, a tripper (strip emptier) and a spreader (for the accumulation of tailings and overburden). The equipment of the IPCC system is designed and selected according to the various technical, economic and environmental parameters of the mine. In this study, by using different parameters of mineral materials, tailings and overburden, the design of conveyor belt transport system using Belt Analyst software in Goharzamin iron ore mine has been discussed. Due to the high extraction capacity and material characteristics, two semi-mobile sets of gyratory stone crushing and conveying with conveyor belts for minerals, tailings and overburden have been designed and placed. Then, the economic evaluation of two shovel-truck systems and the IPCC system was discussed, and the use of the IPCC system was recommended over the shovel-truck system.
#Keywords: In-Pit Crushing and Conveying #IPCC #Goharzamin iron ore mine #Belt Analyst software #Net present value Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University