TN1093 : Prediction of cementation factor in reservoir rock using different methods of reservoir rock classification
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2022
Abstarct: Abstract
Precise estimation of Archie’s parameters (cementation factor, tortuosity factor and saturation exponent) is essential in Accurate calculation of water saturation, and thus, hydrocarbon saturation. Analysis of electrical properties of many rock samples revealed that classification of these samples according to a common property (such as permeability and pore type) gives better estimation of cementation factor.
In this research, the intention is to investigate the cementation parameter in different rock types and eventually to provide a suitable model for estimating this parameter baxsed on the classification of different rock types. In this thesis, first, different methods of rocks classification (CZI, FZI, k, η) that already exists will be proposed. Then, the data that has been reported in this essay will be analyzed by these methods and the best way of rock classification will be proposed.
In this thesis in addition of the already existing methods, five new methods have been proposed but only one of them (classification baxsed on tortusity) has been proven acurate due to low scattering in data and falling into distinct groups. The other four classifications (grouping baxsed on their electrical effieciency and depicting the logarithmic plot of Vp-F and logarithmic plot of Vs-F, and grouping baxsed on their FZI and CZI and then depicting the logarithmic plot of F-φ) has been proven not an adequate way of classification due to high scattering in data and not falling into distinct groups.
#Keywords: Cementation factor #Reservoir rock #Rock classification #Archie's exponent #Saturation #Tortusity factor. Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University