TN102 :
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2009
Abstarct: According to the importance of geological structures in oil zones and the effect of different structural phenomena in these structures including salt domes, many measures have been adopted to identify these structures better. But up to now, exploratory methods have separately investigated these structures and for this reason it is impossible to arrive at a conclusion in which encompasses all exploratory methods. After 1980, Geographic Information System(GIS) is used as an instrument for making decision and managing many branches of geology including exploration of mineral and hydrocarbon deposits in every local and regional scale. This system is not a black box for solving exploratory difficulties, rather, it is an instrument for analyzing data qualitatively and quantitatively, recovering data baxse, reserving and updating the data for exploratory models. Therefore, GIS models the same traditional exploratory methods in maximum precision and speed and minimum time and money.
Anticline of Dehno is located in southwest of Iran in one of hydrocarbon formations. Evaluating the status of its structure with the aim of identifying the potential of hydrocarbon deposits is studied and investigated in this research using traditional methods of geophysics as well as structural geology. In accord with the restrictions of traditional methods, it is tried in this research to use GIS via presenting exploratory new and optimum strategies. Numerical and non-numerical modern methods of Dehno's anticline modeling is used including phased method for combination of informational laxyers and K method which is the closest vicinity for analyzing pictures of TM LANDSAT surrounding Dehno area. The most important informational laxyers in GIS environment include gravity, magnetic, magnetotelluric and structural geology. Investigating the relationship between surface saline deposits and structure of Dehno area from analyzing the pictures of LANDSAT and comparing with fault structure, many successes have been obtained in GIS environment. Presenting two-dimensional and three –dimensional model in Dehno area shows both sources of tectonic and salt forces in this anticline that generally, analyzing these models reveals the importance of MT method in evaluating the function of Hormoz salt in depth and analysis method of the LANDSAT pictures and their relationship in the surface of earth. It is worth noting that the models prepared by magnetotelluric data using Winglixnk software could properly managed to reveal the function of salt in depth and confirm the anticline being intact. Also, the result of combination of laxyers confirms the geological interpretation well and identifies the salt out-crop zone where can be used as zone evidence. Utilizing this model in the other southwest structures of Iran can optimize the status of exploratory operations via reducing expenses (minimizing undesirable criteria) and increasing precision and speed (maximizing desirable criteria). Meanwhile, using magnetotelluric method as well as geographical information system method (for obtaining an exhaustive interpretation of all prepared data) can be useful for exploration of oil fields especially salt domes.
#Geographycal information system #hydrocarbon deposit #Fuzzy methods #image processing #magnetotelluric #GIS #Winglixnk Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University