TK862 : Design bandpass filter baxsed on a printed gap waveguide technology
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Electrical Engineering > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: Ridge Gap Waveguide (RGWs) are one of the planar structures, which can be implemented using printed circuit board (PCB) technologies. In recent years, Ridge Gap Waveguide (RGWs) have been widely used for design and implementation of millimeter wave and microwave systems. While maintaining the advantageous characteristics of the conventional Parallel Surface waveguides with the ability dominant mode (TEM) these waveguides present additional advantages of low loss and high quality factor. On the other hand using designed circuit and component using RGW technology are low in weight, small in size and low in cost and also they are easy to integrate with other planar circuits.
In this dissertation, after reviewing some of the filters designed by RGW in recent years, the design band-pass filter is simulated and for the first time using induction post filters is used in the design of iris filters, and an example of this filter is made.
The simulation results of the filter at a central frequency of 21.5 GHz are designed and the manufacturing results are in good agreement with the measured specifications. The minimum return losses are -16dB and the embedding losses are 1.6dB. The filter designed in this dissertation is light, compact and very low cost and can be used in many microwave telecommunication systems.
#Hard and soft surfaces; Band-pass filters; Printed ridge gap waveguide tecnology; Parallel-plate waveguide; Wide band filter #DUAL INDUCTIVE POST WAVEGUIDE FILTER Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University