TK846 : Design and fabrication of microfluidic system for cancer cell detection baxsed on impedance flow cytometry
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Electrical Engineering > MSc > 2021
Alireza Alaghemand [Author], Ali Fattah[Supervisor]
Abstarct: Circulation of tumor cells is an important indicator for different types of cancer, because circulating tumor cells are very rare in the bloodstream. Accurate analysis and isolation of circulating tumor cells is a challenging task. One of the methods to identify tumor cells is to isolate them from other blood components. In the simulation section, using Camsol software and using a combination of di electrophoresis and escape force, try to isolate the tumor cells. Has been circulating. In this experiment, by creating square barriers in the main channel of centrifugal force and by applying a direct voltage of 5V, an electric field required by the force of di electrophoresis is created. The centrifuges are set to 0.027 N The particles then enter the main channel and are affected by the dielectric force of 0.5 N baxsed on the size of the separation radius. Efficiency in this method It is 99% for cancer cells. Using the difference in resistance between the cancer cell and the buffer solution, the cancer cell is identified by flow cytometry impedance method. The resistance of the cancer cells is higher than the buffer solution and the current passing through the cancer cells is less than the solution. It is a buffer, so by calculating the amount of electrical resistance, we can identify each cancer cell. In this study, we designed a system that can measure the impedance properties of cells at once and at high speed to identify cancer cells, glass microchips and titanium and nickel electrodes and microfluidic channels of PDMS polymer They are made, the microchannel is 20um deep and the electrodes are separated by 20um. Experimental microfluidic examination is performed to identify circulating cancer cells from 10 ml of PBS buffer fluid mixed with 4 cancer cells in 10 seconds. Breast cancer cells are prepared and cultured from genetic laboratories. In 10 ml of PBS solution is mixed with a pH of 6.8, and finally the cancer cell detection efficiency is 100% and the current passing through the cancer cells in the electrode with titanium is less than nickel and has a better performance.
#Cancer cell isolation #Cancer cell identification #Flow cytometry impedance #Dielectrophrosis #Comsol Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University