TK502 : Distribution Network Expansion Planning Considering Distributed Generation
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Electrical Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: The annual growth of 7 to 9 percent of power consumption, makes suppliers and distribution networks to supply consumers demand power with acceptable level of reliability, losses and costs reduction. Therefore, because that one of benefits of distribution generation (DGs), if capacity and placement location be accurate, is to reduce the electrical energy losses and voltage profile improvement. Now it could be said that use of DGs is very important in distribution network expansion planning (DENP). In this thesis, assuming that the needed infrastructures for the installing the DGs in the network under study is prepared, distribution network planning problem with presence or absence of DGs presented. So that the planning problem divided into two sub-problem as follows: (1) determining the type feeders path and service areas substation (2) determining the capacity of DGs. The poroposed objective function with the specified constraints one being solved by using artificial bee colony optimization algorithm.That operators can develop and implement algorithm, which can achieve the best integration and network structure by development and adjustment of algorithm operators. At the end, in order to assess of poroposed model, DNEP will implement on a test network and formulated. Development plan will compare between two conditions with presence and absence of DGs.
#Didtribution network expansion palnning #distributed generation #Artificial Bee Colony Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University