TK500 : Adaptive sliding mode for a quadrotor with unknown mass of cargo in presence of wind turbulence
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Electrical Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: In this thesis, an unmanned quad_rotor modeling with using Newton Euler method and a robust adaptive tracking control system is designed for it. Quad_rotor is a device with six degrees of freedom and four actuator and placed in category of under_actuated systems. The suggested controller in this thesis consists of two inner and outer control loops.Inner loop controls the Euler angles and outer loop is for controlling the quadrotor position and translational motion, and calculating the desired angles for trajectory tracking. First of all with using feedback linearization methode design a controller for inner and outer loop, since the model is nonlinear and consist disturbance is required to design a robust control system for stabilization and tracking the desired path. This system must be capable of retaining the quadrotor balance in the presence of the disturbance, undesired aerodynamical forces and Measurement error of constant parameters. In this thesis by utilizing the adaptive sliding mode, a controller has been designed in which there is no need for the uncertainty range to be given and its upper bound is estimated as a scalar number. In order to prevent diverging adaptive parameters, the sigma-modification is used in adaption laws and also, to achieve suitable performance in various load, the total mass is estimated adaptively. The control design is baxsed on the Lyapunov theory and the robust stability of system in the presence of the disturbance have been shown.
#Sliding mode control #Adaptation rule #Quadrotor #Euler Angel Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University