TK436 : Model Predictive Control of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Electrical Engineering > MSc > 2015
Abstarct: Nowadays due to technology development, production of green energies has become vital. Therefore, the renewable energies are developing continuously. Wind energy is also a kind of such sources which is widespread and reachable at all times. One of the most important matters in this field is designing controllers for energy transformation systems. A new controller baxsed on predictive controlling and gain scheduling is designed and simulated in this thesis. It is used to control the pitch angle of a wind turbine which works with the permanent magnet synchronous generator built in Sun Air Research Institute. In the present method the system is identified using wind data and nonlinear simulated model of the turbine designed by closed-loop identification method. Afterwards the generator’s speed and consequently its overrated power is controlled using the designed controller. Simulation results show the good performance and resistance of the designed controller.
#wind turbine #predictive control #closed-loop identification #gain scheduling #pitch angle #fuzzy control #2.5 region Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University