TK430 : Controller Design using Robust pole placement for Voltage and Frequency Control System of a Power Plant Considering Power System Stabilizers
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Electrical Engineering > MSc > 2015
Abstarct: In this thesis, an Optimized approach in the design of robust control system is taken considering uncertainties. Robust control problem will become to sub-optimal control problem. Since we consider the system as a LTI system, issue of optimal control is the same as LQR system. The goal of this methode is to ensure, the stability and performance of closed-loop system with all uncertainty. After identifying the most effective controller parameters of the power systems,optimal robust control is designed. After that this system was tested seperatelyon the system controllers.
#Voltage control system #Power system stabilizer #frequency control system #robust control Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University