TK350 : Adaptive fuzzy tracking control of a wheeled mobile manipulator using voltage control strategy
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Electrical Engineering > MSc > 2014
Abstarct: In this thesis a novel adaptive fuzzy tracking control method for nonholonomic wheeled mobile manipulator is presented. The novelty of proposed method is compensating the approximation error of fuzzy system for asymptotic convergence in tracking the desired trajectory in the presence of uncertainties. The other advantages of the proposed design are the simplicity in designing and very good performance in tracking of the desired trajectory in the presence of uncertainties. The proposed design has been presented on two torque and voltage control strategies to better compare two methods. The tracking control problem for joint space and work space is analyzed and proposed. In final step, a novel adaptive fuzzy tracking control baxsed on voltage control is analyzed, designed and simulated. Stability analysis of the proposed control approach is presented. Also the performance of proposed control approaches is compared with some other methods. The analyses show that the proposed method with simpler structure lessens the tracking error.
#Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Manipulator #Tracking Adaptive Fuzzy Control #Compensating the Approximation Error of Fuzzy System #Voltage Control Strategy Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University