TK226 : Cost Evalution of Power Transmitted Limitation to Network for Various Generation Expansions of Mashhad Power plant
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Electrical Engineering > MSc > 2012
Abstarct: As the first power plant unit in Khorasan province and with an area of around 35 acers, Mashhad power plant is located at sarakhs boulevard, east of mashhad city. On one hand, the unacceptable productivity as a result of not using the maximum production capacity (due to no proportion between the net load increase and transport lines capacity increase) has brought the closure phase in to consideration. On the other hand, the possible costs resulting from limited production capacity of Mashad power plant and also several issues such as selling the installation to private sector, interruptions in production trend, the important role of the mentioned plant in decreasing the net losses (as a result of being close to accaomuoation center of Mashad load), has made the relive, improvement and renewation option a potential choice. In the present study, using two algorithms offered for calculating the imposed cost of power capacity constraints resulting from energy losses, two present and future scenarios are simulated through Digsilent program. At the end, the optimum production point is presented for each operation scenario and the best scenario is suggested in order to improve the productivity of the plant under study.
#Mashhad power plant #Energy not supplied calculation algorithm #Losses calculation algorithm #Present & Future scenarios Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University