TK154 : Considering and Camparing, simulixnk The Method Of Channel Estimation in Orthogonally Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) System
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Electrical Engineering > MSc > 2010
Abstarct: Considering the increasing requirement of having a safe and rapid communication for transferring audio and visual data with high quality among different kind of users wirelessly, numerous studies are being done on Orthogonally Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system .In Orthogonally Frequency Division Multiplexing OFDM under fading channel, channel estimation being done by transform pilot symbols with different and various patterns. comb type pilot-aided channel estimatio Inclusive 2 processes. First, channel is estimated by the frequency of pilot data with the use of LS and then interpolation of coefficients of channel in pilot data subcarriers for reaching to response of channel in data subcarriers, is being done in various ways. In this thesis the researcher intended to indicate a different way for channel estimation OFDM systems.
In this thesis the researcher used a 2 dimension estimator which is baxsed on transferring pilot data, that the aim of which is to decrease the possibility of mistake in fading situation with transferring different patterns of pilot data and in the end the main objective of that is to estimate channel in two fields of time and frequency. So, at first the Frequency response of channel in some subcarriers with interpolation in the domain of time will be estimated and then with the use of these estimations and Frequency response of channel in the all frequencies will be reached.
In this way by transferring less pilot data, better and more accurate estimation will be reached. Also a comparison between this way with the method of interpolation of Winner Filter and the method of estimation with transitive or variable data with linear interpolation and Splin, is done the result of which is being mentioned in the thesis.
#OFDM #Pilot symbol #Frequncy response #Tim and Frequency estimation #Winner filter #linear and Splin interpolator Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University