TK128 : Performance Optimization of Single-Phase PWM Rectifier, Design and Implementation
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Electrical Engineering > MSc > 2010
Abstarct: One of the most commonly used equipment used in power electronic circuits are single-phase rectifier and therefore its optimized design researchers. The rectifiers with diode or thyristor are the simplest method of providing electrical energy as DC. In spite of fixed DC voltage in output of diode or thyristor rectifiers, because of existence input current with high THD and low power factor use of these kinds of rectifiers are limit. Nowadays with the advent of fast power semiconductors like IGBT from one hand and advent of fast digital processors from other hand use the PWM methods for improve performance of power converters are become more than ever possible. In addition of regulate the current and voltage with transient response, by using PWM rectifier can also eliminate low harmonic and make filtering easier and consequently the size of the filter also brings down and besides, good power factor provides.
In this thesis, by using a single phase PWM rectifier, DC voltage with low ripple, input current with low THD and unit power factor is manufactured so that, new way for improve the problem of low bandwidth and speed of this rectifier has been presented. More because the objective functions considered in conflict with each other and a way to improve one with cause detritions another, the genetic algorithm method is used so that by using this optimization method, optimized values for parameters have been obtained. For simulate this converter and optimization of its parameters the software MATLAB was used in which results indicated improve performance of rectifier. At the end of this thesis also single phase PWM rectifier using DSP processor called TMS320f2812 made and the results obtained from implementation is given in end.
#single phase PWM rectifier #Genetic Algorithm #TMS320f2812 Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University