TJ614 : Optimization and Modeling and validation of Plate and Spiral Tube Water Cooled Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) System
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mechanical Engineering > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: The use of photovoltaic panels for the production of electricity in the world is rapidly expanding and is one of the most important sources of renewable energy for the future energy supply of the world. The efficiency of photovoltaic cells in the world is usually below 20%, so researchers are always looking for ways to increase this efficiency. Since the efficiency of photovoltaic cells decreases with increasing temperature, one of these methods is the cooling of the cells. If absorbed heat can also be used, panels are called PhotoVoltaic Thermal or PV/T. This cooling can be done by water, air or other fluids that use the water and air is the most commonly used option.
In this research, a photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) panel has been modeled. A selective system arrangement is baxsed on a serpentine sheet and tube collector assembly, which was cooled through a half-pipe instead of using a pipe connected to the back panel plate. On the other hand, instead of the cells on polymer substrate (Tedlar) have been on a mextal substrate.
Using these methods of thermal resistance is reduced and minimized. The modeling of this system is carried out in MATLAB software environment and the proposed model is validated with experimental data from a laboratory sample made at Shahrood University of Technology Energy Lab.
Then, the parametric analysis of the model has been done and to achieve a more suitable design, multi-objective optimization has been made regarding the thermal and electrical efficiency and the pressure drop. The overall results show that the efficiency of panels with this cooling method increased from 10% to 12%. On the other hand, baxsed on the absorbed heat, the overall efficiency of the panel (total thermal and electrical) at peak hours of up to 80% can be achieved.
#Photovoltaic thermal panel water cooling #serpentine sheet-tube structure #Modeling #Electrical and Thermal efficiency #Optimization Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University