TJ578 : Optimum design of composite plates containing a hole with different shapes under uniform heat flux using GA algotithm
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mechanical Engineering > MSc > 2018
Abstarct: In this thesis is tried to introduce the optimal parameters to achieve the minimum value of normalized stress by considering the effective parameters on stress distribution around different cutouts in composite plates using the genetic algorithm optimization method. If the plates are exposed under the heat flux, they cause thermal stress around the cutout. baxsed on the two-dimensional thermoelasticity theory and using the Lekhnitskii’s complex variable method, an infinite anisotropic plate containing various shape of the cutout by using conformal mapping is mapped to the area outside of a unit circle. In this study is assumed that the stress field and the complex potential are around the cutout in an infinite and anisotropic plate. The plate is under uniform heat flux at infinitely and the boundary of the cutout is insulated. also, the Newman boundary condition is applied. the stress distribution around the cutout is calculated using complex potential function and solving integral equations. The results presented in this paper are shown that by choosing optimal parameters for composite plates, the normalized stress in the plates containing cutout can be significantly reduced and, even in some cases, the normalized stress is less than the normalized stress of a circular cutout. In other words, contrary to the expectation, always the circular cutout is not the best geometry to reduce the normalized stress, and in some cases, by appropriate choosing the values of the bluntness parameter, rotation angle and fiber angle for a plate containing cutout, the normalized stress can be less than the circular cutout.
#Genetic algorithm #Cutout #Anisotropic plate #Thermal stress #Stress concentration factor Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University