TJ526 : Examination the analytical and technical and economical using linear parabolic collectors for domestic hot water supply hybrid with natural gas
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mechanical Engineering > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: The interest in research to improve the performance of household hot water production has increased with the testing of a variety of solar water heaters in the last few decades. This is due to the obvious importance of studying the efficiency of this type of water heaters in practice as an alternative to conventional electrical and gas samples.
In the meantime, the performance of parabolic-linear collectors as a light absorber in solar water heaters has been neglected due to the generally utilized power of this type of collectors.
In this research, a parabolic-linear collector water heater was designed and constructed and the performace was investigated to generate different temperatures. Then, the economic analysis of this device was considered as a natural gas hybrid as a household hot water producer. The device includes structures, parabolic reflectors, storage tank, water pump, engine detector and tracker controller.
In the present study, the results of the laboratory test using thermal and fluid equations have been investigated and the results show that using this system along with a household tank water heater is saved equivalent to 13% of the amount of gas consumed by this type of water heaters. Meanwhile, with a slight change in the device, such as changing the copper tube with the vacuum tube, the machine's efficiency is increased in various environmental conditions and the device can be used even in commercial applications for household use.
#Parabolic collector - Linear #household tank water heater #Vacuum tube #Motor tracker #Parabolic concentrator Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University