TJ47 :
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mechanical Engineering > MSc > 2009
Abstarct: A practical analytical model for predicting temperature development of incompressible flow inside an aboveground pipeline has been constructed and presented in this research work. The outer surface of the pipeline is exposed to solar radiation and wind stream. The radiation heat exchange with ambient is also taken into account. The effects of exterior surface paint color which represented by emissivity and absorptivity have been studied. The model has been developed to study crude oil flow temperature development through a specific pipeline. The results obtained by the model show that the bulk temperature inclined to a limiting value in some distance which affected mainly by Reynolds numbers. It is found that emissivity and absorptivity of surface are predominant parameter in temperature development in an aboveground pipeline flow which can increase or decrease pipe surface and fluid temperature especially for low Reynolds number flow. baxsed on the results which indicated significantly of exterior surface paint color, one should choose the paint color by considering its effects on temperature development.
Accurate crude oil measurement at the metering station is one of main aims in an oil export terminal. The main objective is to decrease or remove any error at the metering station. It is found that crude oil temperature at metering station has big effects on measured volume and may cause big uncertainty at the metering point. As crude oil flows through the pipeline pick up the solar radiation and heat up. This causes the crude oil temperature at the metering point to rise and higher uncertainty to be created. The amount of temperature rise is depended on main pipeline flow rate and pipe paint color. In the Kharg Island, there is about 3 km distance between crude oil storage tanks and the metering point. The crude oil flows through the pipeline due to gravity effects as storage tanks are located 60m higher than metering point. The flow rate could be controlled by the appropriate valves. In this study, baxsed on climate and geographical conditions of the Kharg Island, the temperature at the metering point has been calculated and the effects of main pipe line flow rate and exterior surface paint color have been investigated. Further, the uncertainty in the measurement system due to temperature rise has been studied.