TJ441 : Design and control of flying robot for inspecting high-voltage lines by image processing
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mechanical Engineering > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: Today, the use of robots that have the ability to operate in the areas with harsh environmental conditions has attracted the attention of industrialists in various industries including electricity power industry. In this industry, for inspecting or repairing high-voltage transmission lines, the manpower is generally used. But due to dangerous conditions in high voltage lines such as harsh work environment and height from ground level, the electricity industry is faced manpower shortage in this sector. The aim of this project is to design and control a flying robot to mount on the high-voltage power lines and move on them for inspecting the damages and fractures of lines elements by image processing. In this project, the designed flying robot is assumed to be controlled by the operator from the ground, remotely. The flying robot flies from the ground and mounts on the guard cable (Shield wire) of transmission lines. Then, it moves on the line and inspects the damages and fractures of lines elements and report online to the operating system in the line control center on the ground. When the robot reaches an obstacle or the towers, it mounts off and passes the obstacle and remounts again on the line and continues tracking. The inspection on the robot uses infrared cameras, ultraviolet camera or conventional camera.
Solidworks environment was conducted to design the robot and its clipper according to the defined physical properties and dynamics of them. The adaptive LQR + PID alguritm was used to design the controller. The simulation results showed that the performance of the designed algorithm is perfectly reliable.
In machine vision and image processing, to automaticly stop the quadrocopters operation in adverse weather conditions, the weather detection algorithm is design and applied. The test results in Matlab showed 91% precision in detecting the weather condition. This is the best results according to research conducted in this field.
#flying robot #Quadrocopters #semi-autonomous #electricity power transmission lines #image processing Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University