TJ405 : Determination of the hygrothermal stress intensity factor for a cracked 2D rectangular medium using extended finite element method
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mechanical Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: In this research the Extended Finite Element Method (EFEM) is implemented to model the effect of the hygrothermal shocks on a cracked 2D rectangular orthotropic media. Furthermore, an analytical method is developed and used. The coupled hygrothermoelasticity equations are considered. Isoparametric rectangular elements are used to discrete governing equations. The dynamical stress intensity factors are computed by the interaction integral method. A MATLAB code is developed to carry out all stages of the calculations from mesh generation to post processing. In one of the numerical examples, the moisture diffusion coefficient is considered, as a function of temperature. In analytical solution, the non-coupled equations are developed, and separation of variables method is used to solve them. Also in this way, stress, moisture and temperature are calculated. baxsed on the results, the stress intensity factors growth at the beginning of the thermal loads to a maximum positive amount and suddenly change their sign. This change will not be observed for moisture load alone. The maximum of stress intensity factors, dependent on crack angle and in orthotropic materials depend on anisotropy too. In this case first stress intensity factor decreases when crack angle increases, but second stress intensity factor increases. Reducing of first stress intensity factor against anisotropy is not uniform.
#Extended Finite Element Method #Interaction integral #Stress intensity factor #Hygrothermal shocks Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University