TJ395 : Thermoelastic Damping in Nano Elecrto Machanical Resonators Made of Multi-laxyer Graphene Sheet Using Nonlocal Elasticity Theory
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mechanical Engineering > MSc > 2016
In this study, thermoelastic damping in nano-electro-mechanical resotators made of multi-laxyer graphene is investigated. Also pull-in voltage and thermoelastic damping with electrostatic actuation is investigated.In this study nano ribbon resonator as nano-electro-mechanical resonator is investigated which is modeled with wide Euler-Bernoulli beam. At first the governing equations of vibration of nano ribbon incorporating interlaxyer shear effect using nonlocal elasticity theory is extracted. Then the thermoelastic equation using Fourier's law and boundary conditions and continuity between the laxyers conditions was solved and was added to the equation of motion. Solve the equation of motion for single-laxyer graphene nano ribbon by Galerkin method with consider one mode-shape had a good maching with the analytical results obtained in previous papers. Therefore, with solving equation of motion of multi-laxyer nano ribbons, by Galerkin method with consider one mode-shape for current boundary conditions, both of end simply-supported and fixed-fixed, complex frecuency is calculated and using this thermoelastic damping is obtained. Also effect of nonlocal parameter and various physical and environmental parameters on thermoelastic damping is investigated. Then by adding electrostatic actuation to equation of system, pull-in vltage that is resulting from the direct actuation voltage is calculated for fixed-fixed and both end of simply-supported boundary conditions. Then the complex frequency of vibration of system with electrostatic actuation is obtained by Galerkin method, and therefore, thermoelastic damping with electrostatic actuation is calculated.
#Thermoelastic damping #nonlocal elasticity #multi-laxyer grapheme nanoribbon #elecrtostatic Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University