TJ292 : Numerical and Experimental Study on Single Point Incremental Sheet mextal Forming With a Continuous Tool Path
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mechanical Engineering > MSc > 2014
Abstarct: Single point incremental forming is a flexible sheet mextal forming technology, which
does not require any dedicated die or punch to form a shape. In this method the final
shape of the component is obtained by the CNC relative movements of a simple and
small punch which deform a clamped blank into the desired shape. These methods are
useful for making shapes which are very costly or impossible to produce with other
methods and for small quantity production. In this thesis, experimental and numerical
study of single point incremental forming process of aluminum alloy aa6061-o were
conducted. Two tungsten carbide forming tools of 8 and 12 mm in diameter were used
in the experiments. Two types of tool paths were employed. In the first tool path type,
the tool moves on a continuous spherical helix path with certain pitch from the largest
diameter toward the center in lowermost point, and the contact of tool with workpiece is
not interrupted during the forming. In the second one, the path is discontinuous. The
tool firstly moves on the axis of the workpiece with a certain normal penetration to the
new depth. Thereafter, it moves on a planar helix with a certain radial pitch, from center
towards the largest radius in the current depth. Finite element simulations were carried
out using Abaqus/explicit software. Considering conditions similar to those in the
experiments, effects of major parameters involved in forming such as tool diameter, tool
path type and tool normal penetration were studied,. Results of experimental and
numerical studies of incremental forming process reveal that strain distribution is
considerably improved in second tool path type. The hemispherical punch stretching
process was studied experimentally and numerically. The strains obtained in this
method were compared with those obtained in the incremental forming process. This
comparison showed that very large strains can be achieved in incremental forming
without any fracture in sheet, while in the conventional stretching process the sheet fails
at significantly smaller strains. Finally, the comparison of the numerical and
experimental results revealed a very good agreement between them.
#Incremental sheet forming #Finnite elements simulation #Thickness stain #Formability #Hemispherical punch stretching process Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University