TJ153 : Thermo_elastoplastic analysis of FGM thick wall sphere with power-varying mechanical properties by using classical theory
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mechanical Engineering > MSc > 2013
Abstarct: In this research thermoelastoplastic analysis of thick-walled spheres made of homogenous and nonhomogenous materials with power-varying properties using plane elasticity theory which is subjected to internal pressure and steady state thermal loading is carried out. The purpose is to check yielding of sphere by assuming elastic-perfectly plastic behavior and to find state of stress, strain and displacement of sphere. First, governing differential equation axisymmetric thick-walled spheres with constant thickness that are made of homogenous and nonhomogenous materials with power-varying properties and subjected to pressure and thermal loadings are derived by using plane elasticity theory. Then according to the Tresca yield criterion analytically and von Mises yield criterion numerically by using ABAQUS finite elements software, investigate yielding of sphere and stress, strain and displacement in elastic and plastic region of sphere. Finally, for the case study and survey equation, are considered a homogenous and FGM sphere with the specified parameters.
#Thick-walled sphere #Functionally Graded Material (FGM) #Plane Elasticity Theory (PET) #Elastic-perfectly plastic behavior #Tresca and Von mises yield criterion. Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University