TA756 : Zoning of industrial pollution areas in Khorasan Razavi province
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > MSc > 2023
Mohamad Naser Sonei [Author], Ramezan Vagheei[Supervisor]
Abstarct: Industrialization is essential for a country's development. One of the consequences of industrialization in a region or province is the liquid pollutants (industrial and municipal wastewater), and solid wastes, which can lead to environmental pollution in various dimensions of water and air if not properly managed. One necessary tool for controlling industrial pollution and ensuring appropriate industrial sustainability in each watershed is zoning the pollution load of industries in that watershed. This study focuses on zoning pollution caused by municipal and industrial wastewater and solid waste in the plains of Khorasan Razavi province in Iran.The results of this zoning show that baxsed on the urban and rural population residing in the plains of the province (statistics for the year 2023), approximately 1,124,166 cubic meters of domestic wastewater are produced daily .In terms of pollution from organic matter (baxsed on BOD5) present in domestic wastewater, approximately 562,083 kilograms of pollution are produced daily in the plains of the province, of which 300,893 kilograms of pollution are generated in the Mashhad plain alone (more than half of the pollution load). The organic pollution load baxsed on COD parameter is also indicative of daily production of 843,125 kilograms in the plains of the province, of which more than half of this pollution (451,339 kilograms) is produced only in the Mashhad plain. According to two parameters, ammonia (in terms of TKN parameter) and phosphorus (in terms of total phosphorus TP parameter), approximately 74,945 and 11,242 kilograms of pollution are also produced daily in the plains of the province, respectively, with Mashhad alone accounting for more than half of this pollution load. Approximately 7,500 tons of municipal solid waste are produced daily in the plains of the province (baxsed on the population of the year 2023), of which 4,000 tons are related to the Mashhad plain and the remaining 3,500 tons belong to other plains of the province, the majority of which are improperly disposed. In the Mashhad plain, only 50% of the generated wastewater is covered by the 7 active treatment plants, and overall, the coverage of municipal wastewater treatment plants in Khorasan Razavi province is about 30%. Consequently, out of the total 1,124,000 cubic meters of domestic wastewater produced daily in Khorasan Razavi, only 387,000 cubic meters are treated by active treatment plants, and the rest of the wastewater is currently discharged into the environment. There are also 10 active industrial wastewater treatment plants in the province and some scattered industries, which receive approximately 16,600 cubic meters of industrial wastewater daily. Industrial units located in the Mashhad plain produce approximately 144,000 cubic meters of industrial wastewater daily, which contains a pollution load equivalent to 90,000 kilograms of BOD5 (90 tons). The pollution trend in groundwater resources, baxsed on the TDS parameter, indicates a significant increase in water salinity during these years in the outlet area of the Mashhad plain. baxsed on the data related to salinity, the TDS level of water wells in this area (outlet area of the plain) has increased from 560 milligrams per liter to 6,780 milligrams per liter over the past three decades (an increase of about 1100%).
#pollution zoning #pollutant sources #water resources contamination #wastewater treatment Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University