TA53 : Investigation of Disinfection contact tank
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > PhD > 2010
Abstarct: A three-dimensional numerical model has been developed to simulate flow and tracer
transport processes in disinfection contact tanks. The model has two options, i.e. for
laminar and turbulent flow, which for turbulent flow is baxsed on the time dependent
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations, with a hydrodynamic pressure distribution
being incorporated in the model. The used numerical method for solving equations is
similar to that of MAC structures. For modeling of the water surface, the rigid lid
approximation was considered. Two methods were used for simulation of turbulence. The
first method involves prandtl’s mixing length with zero equation and second method was
the widely used k െ ε model. The model was applied to laboratory model of Embsay
contact tank, which is operated by Yorkshire Water. The results showed good agreement
between numerical and experimental data. For model efficiency the computer code were
developed for conservative tracer transport in which advection and diffusion terms were
considered. Different configuration of baffling and also the inlet arrangement were
analyzed and their efficiency indexes were computed. Results showed that the tank
efficiency was highly dependent upon the baffle structure. Finally the new configuration
was proposed which outperforms other previous numerical model considering better
efficiency index.
#disinfection #three dimensional turbulence modeling #finite difference #Hydrodynamic pressure #efficiency indexes #chlorine contact tanks Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University