TA467 : Study of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics in Sloping Stilling Basins with Divering Sections and Using Baffle Blocks
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > PhD > 2019
Abstarct: Stilling basins have been used as an energy dissipater downstream of hydraulic structures. Dimensions of the stilling basins depends on hydraulic jump characteristics. Accordingly researchers have made effort to improve characteristics of hydraulic jump by making some changes in the place of hydraulic jump occurrence and have therefore saved lots of money. Greater head loss, smaller length of hydraulic jump and depth ratio are major parameters in designing best stilling basin. Hitherto many procedures have been used to increase head loss, decrease length and depth ratio in hydraulic jump. Researchers have used several procedures simultaneously to improve design of stilling basin in recent years. According to good result of using blocks, diverging flow and adverse slope in increasing head loss, decreasing jump length and depth ratio, diverging hydraulic jump with an adverse slope using baffle blocks and end sill was investigated experimentally, analytically and numerically in this research. The effects of divergence of walls, adverse slope and different arrangement of baffle blocks on hydraulic jump characteristics were also evaluated.
The measurements were performed for rectangular stilling basin with different bed slopes (0-0.025-0.05-0.075) and different diverging angle (3-5-9) degree and using baffle blocks. In this study, baffle blocks were installed symmetric relative to the central axis of the basin in two arrangements of convergence angle of (α=0 to 80°) and divergence angle of (α=0 to -80°). Discharge and Froude numbers considered to vary from 39 to 81.7 lit/s and 4.44 to 8.56 respectively. The results showed that using blocks in a converging arrangement in diverging stilling basin, led to decrease of hydraulic jump and depth ratio. The most effective convergence angle of the blocks was found to be 30°. It was also found that baffle blocks could considerably improve the depth ratio and jump length (compared with an adverse diverging basin without blocks).
In convergence angle of 30° for blocks, reduction of the length and depth ratio of hydraulic jump were up to 35% and 16% respectively. The results related to block arrangement in rectangular stilling basin were in contrary to the results in diverging stilling basin. This means that diverging arrangement of blocks led to decrease in relative length of jump and depth ratio and the best result achieved in angle of 30°. In convergence angle of 30° for blocks, reduction of the length and depth ratio of hydraulic jump were up to 40% and 10% respectively. In contrast using baffle blocks in a converged arrangement led to increasing relative length of hydraulic jump and sequent depth ratio.
A semi- theoretical equation for depth ratio of hydraulic jump in diverging basin with an adverse slope and baffle blocks and an end sill was developed and had a good agreement with experimental results. Also there were good agreement between experimental and numerical results of profiles jump. This agreement proved that the assumptions made in numerical simulation were chosen correctly.
#Diverging stilling basin #adverse bed slope #characteristics of hydraulic jump #Baffleblocks #Placement angle Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University