TA370 : Estimation of bridge eigenfrequencies baxsed on vehicle responses using blind source separation (BSS)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: To identify the condition of the instrument on the bridges, it is necessary to determine their dynamic properties, including Mode shapes, and examine them. Structural health monitoring(SHM) methods are now considered as the most popular method for structural repair and maintenance using dynamic structure responses. The structural health monitoring of the bridge is done with two approaches, direct and indirect monitoring. On the right foot, several sensors are installed in different parts of the bridge, and a vehicle with known characteristics passes through the bridge as a trigger. But on the indirect foot, the sensor is mounted on the vehicle. In this case, the car also acts as a receiver as an actuator. In both methods, the dynamic response generated by the interaction between the bridge and the direct-curved beam, modeled under load, is given as the input signal to the blind source separation (BSS). Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Second-Order Blind Identification (SOBI) are two basic algorithms for BSS techniques. One of the outcomes of these algorithms is the shape of the bridge structure. To verify the results, its comparison with the results of the analytical method of finite element has been used. In the end, using the formulas obtained, the location of damage was identified in the straight and curved bridges. The results show the ability, accuracy, and accuracy of blind source separation in the context of structural dynamics.
#Monitoring the structural health of the bridge #Interaction of the bridge-Vehicle #blind source separation #Structural Mode shapes #Curvature of Mode Shapes Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University