TA316 : Numerical modeling of pile Behavior under dynamic lateral loading
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: Piles are one kind of deep foundations which are being used in the cases when soil laxyers of the surface of earth don’t have the ability to bear the existing loads. These slender elements are being used in the vertical and lateral manners and their duty is transfering the loads to the soil laxyers of the earth farther down from the surface. In conventional projects like buildings, in the case of using pile, it’s axial bearing plays the main role while it’s lateral bearing is just checked for transient lateral load like earthquake. But in many projects like Coastal and offshore structures, lateral load in Structural Design has important role, so pile response to lateral loading has particular importance.
In order to study the pile under lateral load, different methods have been proposed by researchers till this moment. Two of the most popular analytical methods which have been proposed till now are Broms method and bed reaction method. Because of the complexity of these methods, all of them have simplifying assumptions and many of the parameters that have less importance are eliminated because of importance of several effective parameters. These limitations caused that the researchers turn to use the softwares for analysis of the pile under lateral load.
In this research, at first some studies have been performed on past activities in the field of the pile that is under lateral load. Studies of past activities are consist of numerical and analytical methods that are introduced for analysis of pile and for presenting shortcomings of these methods. Then the pile that is under dynamic lateral load has been modeled numerically and the effect of different parameters on it’s behavior has been measured.
In numerical modeling, samples have been categorized into 4 groups. At first the pile has been modeled under impact dynamic lateral load which in this case, load quantity, relative density of soil and pile’s diameter have been changed respectively. Then a sample with several soil laxyers with various relative desity and samples which were under cyclic dynamic load and reciprocating dynamic load have been made. at last modeled samples have been checked and have been compared in terms of deformation of pile, P-Y curve and soil deformation.
#pile #lateral load #dynamic load #impact #finite elements method #Opensees® Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University