TA299 : A wavelet–baxsed solution of the consolidation equation
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: Stress increase due to the foundation construction or other loads makes the soil laxyers compressed. in saturated cohesive soils the volume changes when these loads are applied and water squeezed out of the soil voids and therefore the consolidation process occur. in consolidation equation, permeability and consolidation coefficients varies with depth and during the consolidation process and therefore classical solution of the equation and are unable to provide real results. so a new method should be used to solve the equation in real conditions. in recent years, a new tool is developed to solve partial differential equations called wavelet transforms which can be used with great accuracy in solving equations. In this research, the consolidation equation is solved using Haar wavelet transform system and results are compared with Fourier transform-baxsed solution method. the results show that the proposed method has negligible error with the classic solution of the consolidation equation. it should be of worth noting that the present research is a beginning for solving the consolidation equation considering non linearity and complexity of soil behavior and different boundary conditions.
#Differential Equations #Consolidation Equation #Haar Wavelet Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University