TA206 : New Method in Smart Structures Vibrations Active Control With Multi Actuators and Sensors
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > PhD > 2014
Abstarct: Lots of ambiguities and complicated mathematical equations are among the disadvantages of current active control algorithms of structures. New approach is presented for controlling the structural vibrations. The proposed active control method is baxsed on structural dynamics theories in which multi actuators and sensors are utilized. Each actuator force is modeled as an equivalent viscous damper so that several lower vibration modes are damped critically. This subject is achieved by simple mathematical formulation. Besides, the proper location of sensors and actuators are determined baxsed on the importance of the first modes of the vibration and arrays of the shape matrix of the vibration. For numerical verification of proposed method, several criterions such as maximum displacement, maximum kinetic energy, maximum drift, and time history of controlled force and displacement are evaluated in two and five story shear buildings, subjected to the harmonic load, impact force, and the Elcentro baxse excitation. This study shows that the proposed method has suitable efficiency for reducing structural vibrations. baxsed on time history of earthquake force and actuator force , the actuator force has reasonable values in comparison with earthquake force and weight of stories. Moreover, the uncertainty effect of different parameters is investigated here. Comparing the results of proposed method with the results of conventional methods of active control of structures such as LQR show that the proposed method has great potential performance while having simplicity.
#Active Vibration Control #Sensor #Actuator #Smart Structures #Structure Dynamic Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University