TA177 : Performance baxsed retrofit of concrete moment frxames by using dampers
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > MSc > 2013
Abstarct: In recent years, many concrete buildings with moment frxames build and are now also being built and due to various circumstances, these buildings may need seismic rehabilitation in your use. One option for improving the use of supplemental dampers those mextallic dampers can be mention among them. Performance of reinforced concrete frxame with TADAS dampers was investigated in this thesis. For these purpose concrete frxames with 5, 8 and 11 stories is used. Concrete frxames designed according to 2800 code, then retrofitting with TADAS dampers and then evaluated the performance level. One of important parameter for using TADAS dampers is ratio of brace stiffness to TADAS stiffness (B/D). In previous research this ratio is constant and equal 2. In this thesis by using uniform distribution theory, B/D ratio in all stories was modified and results were compared with the pre- reform of B/D ratio. Also X braces are used for retrofitting of concrete frxames and result compared in retrofitting mode with TADAS dampers. The result shows that the modify B/D ratio led to a more uniform inter story drift of the middle stories. When use X braces retrofitting, baxse shear increase more than retrofitting with TADAS damper and performance level become better when use TADAS damper.
#Seismic Retrofitting #TADAS Damper #Concrete frxame #Performance Level #B/D Ratio Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University