TA173 : Effect of earthquake in bearing capacity of foundation
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > MSc > 2013
Abstarct: Earthquake risk reduction is one of the biggest challenges in civil engineering and because every structure is built above soil and foundation, obviously the conditions and soil region properties play important role in siecmic movement of the earth. According to importance of foundation in transfer the force from earth to structure and the following behavior of foundation and earth we can have better assessment from interaction of soil-foundation-structure system. Here the question arises to what extent the earthquake could affect the bearing capacity of the foundation or we can just ignore it or not? For the analysis of soil behavior during earthquakes can be used in mathematical equations and finite element methods. In this study, for simulation and modeling of soil and foundation behavior, abaqus software has been used. In this study, the concrete foundation with demensions of 44 was used for modeling of foundation on the soil, and because the soil is elastoplastic material that it can be acceptable and realistic modeling and simulate the soil behavior during earthquake, rupture criterion mohr-coulomb used. For the analysis of the seismic wave propagation in soil, three-dimensional model of software used on soils with different elastoplastic properties of the process is done. After applying load on the foundation and horizontal earthquake acceleration, analysis is performed. Using the output of software and stress diagrams, bearing capacity of the foundation has been compared in static and dynamic modes. The results obtained from this study is that in condition that foundation and structure subjected to earthquake load, bearing capacity is significantly reduced and this reduction may vary according to soil type, intensity and frequency.
#bearing capacity #earthquake #failure #foundation #finite element software Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University