S92 : Evaluation of phosphorus solubility in the rhizosphere of canola by application of different levels of sulfur with thiobacillus bacteria
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2013
Abstarct: Applying sulphur coupled with thiobacillus bacteria to soil is one of useful strategies to increase phytoavailability of nutrients. An experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design in different rates of phosphorous and sulphur with three replication on canola plant. Phosphorus treatment included triple superphosphate fertilizer in three levels (0, 85 and 130 kg ha-1) and sulphur treatment included in four levels (1. No sulphur, 2. Applying 500 kg S + 10 kg thiobacillus inoculums per hectare, 3. Applying 1000 kg S + 20 kg thiobacillus inoculums per hectare, 4. Applying 2000 kg S + 20 kg thiobacillus inoculums per hectare). The results showed that application of sulphur and thiobacillus increased significantly soil available sulphate about 76% and soil available phosphorous about 30/4% when compared to the control. It also increased some characteristics of the plant such as grain yield, phosphorus of the leaf and grain and zinc of the grain. Superphosphate application also increased significantly soil available phosphorous and grain yield. Applying 2000 kg S + 20 kg thiobacillus inoculums per hectare decreased soil pH about 0/6 unit when compared to the control. Applying sulphur coupled with thiobacillus bacteria can be suitable replacement for superphosphate fertilizer for supply the required phosphorus canola.
#canola #sulphur #thiobacillus #phosphorus #triple superphosphate fertilizer #nitrogen. Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University