S85 : Estimation of Sij and Al watershed sediment with PSIAC method
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2013
Abstarct: Soil is one of the most important resources in any country and its degradation causes great losses for human beings, specially in arid and semi-arid regions. So, it is necessary to combat soil erosion through soil conservation practices. One of the existing views in Watershed management is baxsed on the analysis of a set of factors influencing Watershed basin as a unit of soil and water resources. Geographical Investigation System (GIS) is used as an efficient means in evaluating and solving of many problems of natural resources. In this connection, the rate of erosion and sediment yield of Sij and Al, located in 60 km north of Mashhad in Khorasan Razavi province, was studied using experimental models of MPSIAC and Fournier. In MPSIAC model the effect of nine important factors on soil erosion and sediment yield (surface geology, soil, climate, run off, topography, land cover, land use, present erosion condition and channel erosion) was evaluated and numerical values were assigned to them in terms of intensity and weakness of each factor. Using the sum of those values through equation Qs=38/77e0/0353R , where Qs is specific sediment (m3/km2/y) and R is sediment yield score, the rate of sediment yield of the basin was measured. The measured Qs for Sij and Al was 5/37 T/ha/y. In Fournier model, Qs, the rate of specific sediment was obtained using his first and second model was respectively 2243/453×106 and 0/94 T/ha/y
#erosion #sedimentation #GIS #MPSIAC #Fournier #Sij and Al watershed basin Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University