S71 : The effect of foliar application of zinc and magnesium nano particles on some morphological and physiological traits in vigna sinensis L.
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2012
Abstarct: Providing the nutrient elements for the plants in order to produce plant product and also make human population security is one of the most important issue now a days. Among different elements, zinc (Zn) and magnesium (Mg) are vital for the plant nutrition any play a basic role for activating many enzymes. Moreover, they are involved in protein and RNA synthesis and also they have a key role in chlorophyll production. Regarding to the importance of these elements in the plant photosynthesis process, an experiment was performed for the evaluation of the efficacy of spraying on the morphological and physiological characterizes of black eye bean at the faculty of agriculture in Shahrood university of technology. Experimental treatment were: 1. Zinc oxide at the three following level: zero, 6 gram per liter from nano Zn and the same concentration from common Zn. 2. Magnesium oxide at the five following level: zero, half and one percent from nano Mg and the same amount of common Mg. The experimental design was factoriel on the basis of randomized complete blocks with three replications. The treatment was conducted in two stages on 65 and 70 days after planting. The result showed that application of nano Mg alone in the most cases had a negative effect on the dry weight of the leaves, petioles and stems, comparing to the control. Spraying of common Zn + common Mg (at both concentrations) increased stem length compared to control. The highest stem diameter resulted from the application of common Zn + 1 percent nano Mg with mean 12.24 mm, which was not significantly different from control. Maximum number of lateral branches (5.88 branches) resulted with spraying nano Zn alone that was equal with result of combination regular Zn + 0.5 percent regular Mg. Application regular Zn in order Mg levels was the negative effect on this trait. Maximum yield was obtained from the application of Zn and Mg at the maximum concentration, Which was about 3864.76 kg/h. The relative water content was increased at the different levels of Mg with nano Zn spraying. The maximum amount of protein in the bean (22.78 percent) was observed in the application of 1 percent nano Mg alone, that increase 2.28 percent compared with control. The leaves chlorophyll content was maximum at the some treatment in the early stage of growth while at the end of growth season, the chlorophyll content was maximum in the application of regular Zn + 1 percent nano Mg, comparing to others. In general, foliar application of nano Zn and nano Mg had the negative effect at the most morphological characterizes. That could be due to the toxicity of these particles.
#black eye bean #spraying #nano zinc #nano magnesium Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University