S703 : Investigation of physico-mechanical properties of starch-baxsed edible film containing rosemary essential oil Pickering emulsion in two form of combination and bilxayer
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2023
Mohammad Abbasi [Author], [Supervisor], Mohamad Hadi Movahednejad[Advisor]
Abstarct: In the last decade, the study of biodegradable materials has led to the development of the approach of using natural and renewable polymers in the field of food packaging. One of these biodegradable compounds is starch, which is always of interest due to its abundance and film production properties. However, a series of limitations such as weak mechanical properties and the hydrophilic nature of this compound have caused that other natural compounds are always used as a composite with starch in the preparation of film. The aim of this study was to investigate the physicomechanical properties of starch-baxsed films with chitosan/zein Pickering emulsion and rosemary essential oil in a combined and two-laxyered form. In the first step, chitosan/zein particles were selected in a ratio of 2:1 due to their lower hydrophilicity and higher particle size distribution. In the next step, starch edible films were prepared with chitosan/zein emulsion and rosemary essential oil in a ratio of 2:1 as a combination and double laxyer. The results showed that composite and double-laxyered films with chitosan/zein Pickering emulsion with rosemary essential oil had lower solubility in water than the control sample. Also, the sample witnessed the highest level of humidity. Also, the highest level of hydrophobicity was observed in the composite sample and the lowest hydrophobicity was observed in the double-laxyered sample. In the water vapor penetration test, the control sample had the lowest water vapor transmission rate compared to the other two samples. In general, the hydrophilic properties of the films along with the emulsion were improved compared to the control sample. Microscopic images of the surface and cross-section of the samples showed that the intensity of particle distribution, continuity and tissue density in the composite film was higher compared to the control and two-laxyer films. However, the thickness of the two-laxyer sample was more than the other samples, and despite the complete connection between the two laxyers in the cross-sectional images, each two laxyers could be distinguished from each other. The transparency of the samples decreased with the addition of emulsion, and the two-laxyer sample had the highest light absorption. By adding the emulsion in a combined and laxyered manner, color changes were observed in the samples, and the two-laxyer sample showed the most color changes. Also, the density index for the control sample was the highest.
#Corn Starch #Multilxayer ediblefilm #Pickering Emulsion #Rosemary essential oil #Physico-mechanical properties Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University