S592 : Effect of essential oil of Mentha piperita and Salvia officinalis on hemocytes profile and feeding index of Plodia interpunctella Hubner (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2021
Due to the fact that the use of plant extracts and essential oils while being low risk to humans, mammals and nature, are often suggested as suitable alternatives to chemical compounds, so in the present study, the effect of peppermint plant extracts, sage , Licorice and saffron on blood cell profile and nutrition index of Indian moth Plodia interpunctella Hubner (Lepidoptera; Pyralidae) in vitro (25 3 3 ° C, 40 5 5% relative humidity and 16:10 h light period (darkness and light) )) Was examined. The fourth instar larvae of this storage pest were treated with ethanolic extracts of peppermint, sage, licorice and saffron at concentrations of 10, 6 and 20 g / ml in two time intervals of 24 and 48 hours. Immunological results showed that the effect of different extracts of peppermint, sage, licorice and saffron on the number of plasmacytes and granulocytes and the total number of blood cells was significant compared to the control and increased significantly with increasing the concentration of extracts baxsed on the total number of results. Cells in peppermint treatment with concentrations of 20% and 10% and licorice with concentration of 20% in 24 hours and peppermint treatment with concentrations of 20% and 10% and sage with 6% concentration in 48 hours had the highest increase compared to They had control and treatments of peppermint and saffron with concentrations of 6% showed the lowest increase compared to the control and in the number of granulocytes, all extracts in all concentrations compared to the control showed a general increase of up to 20%. Plasmocytes under the effect of peppermint treatment with concentrations of 10% and 20% after 24 hours and peppermint treatment with 20% concentration after 48 hours had the highest increase compared to the control and licorice and saffron treatments with 6% concentration had the highest Showed a decrease compared to the control. According to the evaluations, the concentration of 20% sage showed the highest increase in phenol oxidase activity compared to the control and other treatments were not significantly different from the control.
Also, nutritional indices were examined, a significant difference was observed between the extracts and the control, so that in all treatments compared to the control, a decrease in the relative growth rate was observed and also the relative consumption rate of the extracts was significantly different from the control. All concentrations of peppermint were reduced compared to the control and other treatments were in the same group with the control. The food yield index of the extracts was significantly different from the control and all treatments were reduced compared to the control. In the evaluation of nutritional inhibition index, all extracts were significantly different from the control. The plant extracts used in this study were effective on the biological characteristics of Indian nightshade. So that peppermint and sage extract at a concentration of 20% increased the length of larval period and the same concentration of peppermint extract increased the length of the pupal period. All treatments were effective in pupal weight. The lifespan of adult insects under the influence of treatments and control did not show a significant difference.
#Indian nightshade #ethanolic extract of peppermint #sage #licorice and saffron #safety #phenol oxidase enzyme #nutrition index #biological characteristics Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University