S516 : The effect of plant growth promoting bacteria and fertilizer application on growth and physiological properties of the medicinal plant Shabizak (Atropa belladonna L.)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > PhD > 2019
Abstarct: In order to investigate the effect of plant growth promoting bacteria and chemical fertilizer application on growth and physiological properties of Shabizak medicinal plant, three experiments were conducted in field, potted and laboratory at the Institute of Medicinal Plants Research, University of Jihad, Karaj, in 2016 and 2017. In the laboratory, a factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications to evaluate the effect of light at different temperatures on germination, seedling growth and cardinal temperature determination. Treatments included temperature at 7 temperature levels: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 ° C as the first agent and 3 optical levels: full brightness, complete darkness, and 8 hours of darkness + 16 hours of brightness as the agent. The latter were considered in 70-75% moisture content. Results showed that most of the traits had the highest yield in the temperature range of 20-25 ° C. In this experiment, a significant positive correlation was found between germination percentage and rate with seed vigor index and seedling dry weight. Cardinal temperature of the seeds was calculated from three cross-sectional or two-piece models, a flat or tooth-like model and a beta (β) model that averaged 3, 20 and 40 at the minimum, optimum, and maximum temperatures, respectively. In both field and pot experiments, the experiment was conducted as a factorial experiment baxsed on a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Experimental treatments included no growth promoting bacteria (control), Pseudomonas, Azotobacter, Pseudomonas + azotobacter and thiobacillus + sulfur as the first agent and fertilizer treatment in three levels including: no fertilizer or control, 50% recommended fertilizer And 100% of recommended fertilizer were the second factor. The results showed that in the pot experiment the highest root volume, diameter and dry weight were obtained in Azotobacter treatment with 50% of recommended fertilizer. The highest levels of atropine and scopolamine in leaves were 19.58 and 7.77 mg / g dry matter respectively in bacterial inoculation with 50% of recommended fertilizer. The highest root atropine content was 7.69 mg / g dry matter of thiobacillus + sulfur treatment with 100% fertilizer. The highest root scopolamine (5.69 mg / g dry matter) was observed in non-inoculated treatment with 50% of recommended fertilizer. Pseudomonas treatment was superior to field treatment. The maximum yield of the whole plant was obtained from Pseudomonas treatment with 100% of recommended fertilizer. The highest levels of atropine and scopolamine were 27.5 and 10.4 mg / d, respectively, in the treatment of Pseudomonas with 50% of fertilizer recommended and non-use of biofertilizer with 50% of fertilizer was recommended. Maximum root atropine level (11.5 mg / g dry matter) was related to pseudomonas treatment with no fertilizer application and maximum scopolamine (5.69 mg / g dry matter) treatment was recommended. Pseudomonas spp. Was observed with 100% recommended fertilizer.
#Alkaloids #Atropine #Scopolamine. Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University