S502 : Effect of water deficit stress and foliar application of origanum vulgare and thymus on quantitative and qualitative traits in sesame (sesamum indicum L)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > PhD > 2019
Abstarct: Water deficit is one of the important climatic factors affecting the distribution of plants throughout the world whichcause morphological, physiological and biochemical changes in plants.. Sesame is one of the most important edible vegetable plants in the world that is affected by environmental stresses, especially water deficit. Therefore, finding a suitable solution to reduce the damage to this plant seems necessary. Nowadays, foliar application of organic matter has received much attention. Since the extract of marjoram and thyme (Thymus vulgaris ) has antioxidant activity, in this study, the effect of foliar application of sesame extract on growth, physiological and qualitative indices of sesame under water deficit stress conditions was investigated. In this regard, an experiment was carried out on a split plot factorial experiment baxsed on a randomized complete block design with three replications in Gorgan, Iran during two consecutive cropping seasons of 2016 and 2017.. Treatments consisted of two levels of irrigation (15 days and 25 days as non-stress and water deficit stress, respectively) as the main factor and soluble foliar application at concentrations of which plant?? 0, 40 and 60% volumetric and thyme concentration 0, 10, and 20 percent volumes were as sub-factors. Irrigation treatments were applied after planting and foliar application in three stages of one month after planting at 12 days intervals. The results showed that water deficit stress significantly reduced agronomic and morphological traits, yield and yield components, chlorophyll a and b levels and also increased carotenoid, flavonoid, calcium, potassium and increased enzyme activity of catalase, superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase was compared to control. The highest leaf area index (3.76), leaf dry weight (57.88 g / m2), plant height (159 cm), chlorophyll A (21.7 mg / g fresh weight) were also observed. ), Chlorophyll b (20.61 mg / g fresh weight), number of seeds per capsule (54) capsule per plant (38) and yield (92.19 g / m2) related to appropriate irrigation conditions and treatment 60 The percentages were marjoram and 20% of thyme. And the highest amount of carotenoids (18.58 mg / g body weight), flavonoids (0.003 mg / g body weight), calcium (0.57%) and potassium (2.97%) were related to low status. Water and treatment were 60% marjoram and 20% mountain thyme. . The results showed that the activity of catalase, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase in irrigation conditions and treatment of 60% of Marjoram and 20% of Thymus vulgaris increased by 11.24, 12.65 and 12.88%, respectively. It was increased by 36.36, 36.35 and 32% under water deficit conditions, indicating that most of the extracts used in stress conditions were more effective. In general, the greatest effect on the measured indices under both water deficit and non-stress conditions was related to 60% volumetric and 20% volumetric treatment of foliar application. Therefore, it can be stated that the simultaneous use of Thyme and Marjoram foliar application was effective in both irrigation and drought stress conditions, however, its effect was in stress conditions which can induce plant tolerance against water deficit conditions
#Drought stress #Marjoram #Sesame #Thyme Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University