S481 : Physical and Chemical Sustainability of Fish Oil Enriched Mayonnaise Covered with Chitosan Nanoparticles with Clove Oil
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: The aim of this study was to produce mayonnaise-rich fish oil which was encpsulated by chitosan (CS) - stearic acid (SA) nanogel along with clove essential oil and further investigation of the oxidative and rheological properties of the produced mayonnaise. In the first step, SA was added to CS chains to improve its emulsifier properties. The results of the FT-IR spectrum confirmed the formation of the bond between CS and SA. Also, the results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that the formation of nanoparticles was improved by adding SA to CS. The effect of CS and CS-SA nanogel (1 and 2%), as well as fish oil content (20, 40 and 60%) on the stability of the fish oil emulsion during one weeks at the ambient temperature by investigationg of both the creaming factor and the size of oil droplets were evaluated. The results showed that 2% stabilizing concentration had a better effect on emulsion stability than 1% concentration. Also, with an increase in oil content, the size of oil droplets increased also the emulsions with higher percentage of oil were relatively stable. In addition, CS-SA nanogel, has a better stabilization role than CS. The most stable fish oil emulsion was obtained using 2% CS-SA nanogel and 60% fish oil. In the following, the best emulsion with clove oil was used to produce formulated mayonnaise and oxidative stability was evaluated by peroxide and TBA tests over time. The results showed that encapsulated fish oil improved the oxidative stability of mayonnaise. While the use of 1000 ppm of clove essential oil in the mayonnaise did not significantly affect on the oxidative stability. The results of the rheological tests of various formulations of mayonnaise showed that the use of nanogel increased the elasticity of mayonnaise. This effect increased when nanogel was used in combination with clove essential oil.
#Fish oil; CS-SA nanogel; Mayonnaise; Pickering emulsion; Oxidative stability; Rheological properties; Clove essentioal oil Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University