S435 : Classification and Zoning of Soils Arayez in Shoosh Plain Gypsum with Artificial Intelligence and GIS
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: Proper utilization of limited soil and water resources is very important, almost all required food of people in the world should provide from the soil. In order to evaluate the land potential of Shoosh Arayez plain in Khuzestan province with an area of 5173 hectares, this plain studied. For identification and classification of gypsic soils of this area, 181 profiles and 181 augers were described. The amounts of soil gypsum were estimated with artificial neural network (software Qnet 2000) and they were zoned by IDW (at a depth of 0-50 and 50-100 cm) and Kriging (at a depth of 150-100 cm) methods then, salinity and alkalinity map of land was prepared. In this plain soils were classified in thirteen series, in three categories Entisols (soils without soil development), Inceptisols (soils with soil development) and Aridisols (soils with soil development in the moisture regime aridic). According to enough amount of rainfall in this rejoin, It can observed washing of gypsum and lime in some places from surface horizons to deeper laxyers and aggregation of them in these laxyers. Land slop has been effective in rate of infiltration, which caused variable accumulation of gypsum and lime depth. In this study, the amount of gypsum estimated by using of five parameters pH, EC, clay, silt and sand (soil texture). For modeling of gypsum, 75 percent of data allocated to field training and 25 percent of them for validation assigned. Results reveal that for predicting the amount of gypsum soil, clay, EC and pH are the most important parameters. By increasing of gypsum, the amount of soluble salts(EC) are enhanced. The presence and accumulation of gypsum in the soils change many physical properties such as soil structure, soil texture, bulk density and hydraulic conductivity, Chemical properties like cation exchangeable capacity, soil acidity and salinity, mineralogy and soil engineering so it creates serious problems for human activities.
#Classification #gypsum soils #classification #artificial neural network #Shoosh Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University