S37 :
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2011
Abstarct: Plant growth- promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR( are most important biofertilizers. They are able to enhance nutritional status, nitrogen fixation, production of phytohormones directly. They can decrease the effect of other illnese micro organism, whit produce variation antibiotic and Sidrophore indirectly that caused enhance plant growth and improve plants yield. In order to study of the effect of urea fertilizer and nitroxin on yield and yield components of three cultivar of soybean (Glycine max.l.), an experiment was carried out as split plot factorial baxsed on completely randomized blocks design in 3 replications. The main factor was soybean cultivars 1) BP 2)JK 3) 032, the sub factors contained urea fertilizer (with and with out) and Nitroxin (non- inoculation and inoculation). The results of this study showed that, PGPR inoculants had the potential to increase soybean growth during growth season. Nitroxin had significant impact on seed number, pod weight, oil percentage, number of seed in pod, number of lateral branches, nodule dry weight, stem dry weight, leaf area index, CGR and RGR. Also results showed that soybean cultivars had a significant impact on biological yield, harvest index, seed number, pod weight, pod length, oil percentage, 1000-seed weight, number of seed in pod, number of pod in plant, number of lateral branches, plant height, number of nodule, diameter of stem and leaf and stem dry weight. Urea fertilizer had significant impact on seed number per plant, pod weight, oil percentage, number of seed in pod, number of pod per plant, plant height, number of nodule. The effect of interaction of cultivar and urea on number of seed in plant, pod weight, number of lateral branches, harvest index and nodule dry weight was significant. So as consumption of urea caused the number of seed in plant, pod weight and number of lateral branches increase and non-use of urea caused the harvest index and nodule dry root increase. The interaction of cultivar and nitroxin had significant impact on number of seed per plant, pod weight, oil percentage, 1000-seed weight, number of lateral branches, nodule number and nodule dry weight. The effect of interaction of urea and nitroxin on number of seed per plant, 1000-seed weight, leaf nitrogen percent were significant. Use of urea and nitroxin caused the number of seed per plant and 1000-seed weight to increase and non-use of them caused the nodule number and plant nitrogen percent to increase. Interaction of the three factors had effect on seed oil percent, leaf nitrogen percent and nodule dry weight. Thus according to the results application of urea and nitroxin alone or simultaneous had positive effects on improvement growth characteristics of soybean. BP cultivar had the highest harvest index than two other cultivars, and the most characteristics whit use urea and nitroxin had effect on BP cultivar and caused significant increase of these characteristics.
#Soybean (Glycine max.l.) #Urea #PGPR bacteris #yield and yield components Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University