S296 : Soil fertility map preparation of Peyvand cooperative lands with Geographic Information System
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2015
Abstarct: The aim of thisstudy was to prepare the mapof the spatial distribution of variables insoil fertility,including the organic carbon percentage, EC, pH, available phosphorusandpotassium in surfaceareaof3122hectaresof Peyvand cooperative lands with Geographic Information System.Thedigitalmap ofthe study area was to identify thesampling pointsonthemapand thenspecifythe locationon Earthby GPS to providecomposite samplesofsoildepth of 30 cm, the number of samplestaken was 76 sample points from 40 hectares.After samplingfromdifferent parts of thevariables the physic-chemical properties were measuredin the laboratoryusing standard methods.Laboratoryanalysis ofsoil samplesenteredin theGIS softwareand use thesoftware functionalityandselectthe bestinterpolation method of map two show the spatial distribution ofeach of the variablesmeasured.baxsed on theresultsofsoilsalinity of study area,61.9per cent of thelandhasless than 4 ds/meters EC was suitablefor a variety ofcrops.The averagesalinity was classified as 42/23, 37/78 percent with high salinity and29/10percent of the land had soilswith very highsalinitytoo, pH area map ofthe study areashowedthatthe majority ofthe landareaby 95/3 percent had apH 7/5- 7/9 and 42/3 percent ofthelandin the range ofpH 7/5–7/7 and53percent of thetotal land areain the located in the range ofpH 7/7–7/9. The area mapavailable potassiumabout 21% of the land area had less than250parts per millionK andmost of itconsists ofabout 79percent had greater than 250parts per million available potassium. baxsed on theresults of the area map ofphosphorus, about 97 percent of theland areaof this study had less than 10parts per millionof total dissolved phosphoruslevelsand available, and only3% of theland areavaluesgreater than 10parts per millionof dissolvedphosphorusarea absorbed.Also baxsed onthe percentage oforganic carboninland area mapof the study area, about76percent of theland surfacearea ofthe organiccarbon were less than1percent.
#Soil fertility #geographical information system #soil nutrient #fertilizerrecommendations Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University