S253 : The effect of mycohrriza fungi, soil and foliar spray of Flomix fertilizer on growth and yield of corn (zea mays L.) in competition with weeds
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2015
Abstarct: To evaluate the effects interaction between mycorrhizae, soil and foliar spary of Flomix on yield and yield components of corn (Zea may L.) in competition with weeds, an experiment was carried out as factorial baxsed on Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications in Agriculture Research Staion of Shahrood University of Technology in 2014. The treatments included mycorrhizae fungi at 2 levels (non-application and mycorrhizae application), foliar spray at 3 levels (non-application, once sprayed and twice sprayed) and soli spray at 3 levels (non-application, once soil application and twice soil application) at two different weeding conditions(no-weeding and weeding). The results indicated a significant increase on root colonization and soluble sugar in leaf traits in weeding and no weeding conditions and traits of grain P, biologic yield, grain yield and harvest index in competition with weeds affected by interaction between mycorrhizae symbiosis and foliar spray of Flomix. Also, interaction between mycorrhizae symbiosis and soil spray of Flomix was significant on root colonization in weeding condition and increased it. Interaction between foliar and soil spray of Flomix was significant on root colonization and grain yield in weeding and no weeding conditions and traits of grain P and soluble sugar in leaf in competition with weeds and increased them. Moreoevr, the results indicated a significant increase on 1000-seed weight in weeding and no weeding conditions and grain P, biologic yield and HI traits in competition with weeds affected by interaction between mycorrhizae symbiosis, foliar and soil spray of Flomix. Mean comparisons showed that once foliar spray+ once soil spray of Flomix increased grain yield 646 Kg/ha in compare with control. Mean comparisons of traits in competition with weeds showed that mycorrhizae application+ twice foliar spray of Flomix increased root colonization, soluble sugar in leaf and grain P respectively, 30, 34 and 63 percent in compare with non-mycorrhizae application+ non-application of foliar spray. Also, mycorrhizae application+ non-application of soli spray of Flomix increased root colonization 22 percent in compare with non-mycorrhizae application+ non-application of soli spray. Mean comparisons of traits in competition with weeds showed that twice foliar spray+ twice soil spray of Flomix increased grain yield from 1151 Kg/ha to 2889 Kg/ha.
#Corn #Flomix #Mycorrhizae symbiosis #Yield Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University