S212 : The effect of water deficit stress, salcylic acid and ascorbic acid on yield and oil content of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.).
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2014
Abstarct: In order to study of the effect of Ascorbic acid and Salicylic acid Foliars spray on the plant seeds paper pumpkin (cucurbita pepo L.) on the condition of water deficit stress an experiment was conducted as split plot factorial baxsed on randomized complete block design with three replications in Agriculturer Research Station of Shahrood University in 2013. Treatments included three levels irrigation interval (6, 9, and 12 days) as the main plot, ascorbic acid with three levels (check, 15 and 30 Mm) and salicylic acid with 2 levels (check and 0.4Mm) as sub plot. The results showed that water deficit stress treatment significantly affected all of traits including 100-seed weight and oil content . Most studied traits reduced with increasing stress except protein percent, proline and number of immature seed. Ascorbic acid treatment increased the fresh weight of seed, number of grains per plant, seed weight, seed yield, oil yield, oil percent, proline and carotenoids traits. Application of 4.0 Mm salcylic acid significantly increased seed yield, seed weight, seed yield, carotenoids, and leaf relative water traits. Maximum oil yield and carotenoids was obtained in 30 Mm ascorbic acid foliar in non-stress conditions. The highest value carotenoids and leaf relative water content was obtained in 0.4 Mm salicylic acid foliar spray in non-stress conditions. Application of ascorbic acid and salicylic acid increased oil percent and leaf relative water content. The highest value of chlorophyll a and total chlorophyll was obtained in the plants when ascorbic acid was used 30 Mm and 0.4 Mm salicylic acid foliar in non-stress conditions. Ascorbic acid and salcylic acid treatments not only in moderat and extreme- stress conditions but in the non- stress conditions improved yield.
#Ascorbic acid #Salcylic acid #pumpkin seeds paper #water deficit stres Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University